Wednesday, December 30, 2009

My Little Photographer

Both of my boys have expressed great interest in being photographers, just like mommy ;-) So the other day when we went for a hike, I let Chase take whatever image he wanted. I did not coach him in any way or tell him what to do. I am amazed by his composition skills, wow! The only thing I did to these images was to adjust the exposure slightly, resize and sharpen for the web. Enjoy!

And here is my budding photographer as photographed by his proud Mama (me!)


  1. WOW, that is great Toki!! Chase has a great eye, I bet you are one proud mommy!!

  2. Wow! Great job Chasey! :-) He has the eye just like his mommy! :-)

  3. Thank you ladies!!! Chase loves photographing nature while I prefer photographing people!! Should be interesting to watch him develop his own style.

  4. Your son is amazing! I have a 5 year old too and he could never take anything close to that.

  5. Your little boy is just SO cute!! I love these!
